Become a Member

As an Abbotsford Family Physician, you are entitled to FREE MEMBERSHIP with the Abbotsford Division of Family Practice (ADoFP), which represents almost 200 local Family Physicians committed to health system improvement. Our members collaborate to achieve common healthcare goals and strengthen primary care in the community. The Abbotsford Division and your membership are funded by the Family Practice Services Committee through the British Columbia Ministry of Health and Doctors of BC. 

Member Benefits: 

  • Complimentary, member-driven professional development, engagement, and networking events held throughout the year 
  • Opportunities to offer feedback, collaborate with peers and partners, and take a leadership role in advancing primary care 
  • Invitations to engage in healthcare initiatives such as long-term and maternity care 
  • Enhanced access to practice support services including IT, after-hours call services, language interpretation, vaccine delivery, practice optimization, and transition assistance 
  • Access to wellness programs aimed at improving physician work-life balance 
  • Support from the Division in clinic recruitment and human resources 
  • Resources and support for your MOAs, including local MOA Networks, panel management, and opportunities for additional FPSC funding 
  • Assistance with retirement planning
  • Peer support for managing complex and unattached patient care
  • Complimentary subscription to UpToDate ($579 value)
  • Discounts on supplies through group purchasing: 
    • Biomedical waste/sharps disposal 
    • Medical supplies and equipment 
    • Office supplies and equipment 
    • Paper shredding, document storage, and destruction (both paper and electronic) 


  • General membership in the Abbotsford Division of Family Practice is open to Abbotsford Family Physicians who meet the following criteria: 
    • Duly licensed Family Physicians 
    • Practicing at least 51 per cent in Richmond 
    • Practicing within clinical practices, walk-in clinics, locum services, and/or some specialized services 
    • In good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia 
    • A minimum of 19 years of age 
  • In cases of ambiguity, eligibility for membership will be determined by the Board. 


  • To be notified of, and to attend, all General Meetings 
  • To make or to second motions at a General Meeting 
  • To debate on motions under consideration in accordance to the Rules of Order 
  • To serve as Invited on Society committees 
  • To exercise a vote on matters for determination at General Meetings 
  • To be nominated for the election of Directors 
  • To be nominated, if eligible, to stand for election as a Director 
  • To participate in Society programs and initiatives according to Board criteria. 


  • Medical students, family medicine residents, International Medical Graduates, or retired Family Physicians 
  • Ordinarily reside, practice, or did practice pre-retirement, in Richmond 
  • In good standing (or have been in good standing at the time of retirement) with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. This criteria does not apply to medical students. 

In cases of ambiguity, eligibility for membership will be determined by the Board. 


  • To be notified of, and to attend, all General Meetings 
  • To debate motions under consideration according to the Rules of Order 
  • To serve as invited on Society committees 
  • To be nominated, if eligible, to stand for election as a Director 
  • To participate in Society programs and initiatives according to Board criteria 

If you meet all criteria for membership, you can expect to receive a welcome email from the Abbotsford Division of Family Practice within 5-10 business days. Be sure to read and follow instructions in this email carefully to register your account, which provides access to member-only content on this website. That email will also include instructions on how to access UpToDate.

What is UpToDate?  UpToDate delivers evidence-based clinical decision support, access to valuable CME credits, and research support for health care practices. 

Please note: Free access to UpToDate is a benefit of your Division membership; members must login via the provincial  Divisions of Family Practice website  to access their UpToDate subscription. Please  email us  if you need support.