What we do
Simply put, we’re a non-profit that supports our physician members to improve health access and equity in the community. We collaborate with health authorities, community health organizations, universities, non-profits, the City of Abbotsford, patient groups, community members, and the provincial government to bring programs and initiatives to the Abbotsford community.
Visit the ‘Our Work’ tab to see some of our current and past projects.
All the people of Abbotsford have access to optimal health care, through the leadership of primary care specialists who are committed to the wellness of our community.
The Abbotsford Division of Family Practice supports primary care specialists in the delivery of optimal health care, through recruitment, mentoring, practice support, education, and advocacy. We lead, in partnership, the integration of primary care into our health system.
- Collaborative leadership: founded on trust, respect, transparency, and accountability.
- Equity and inclusiveness: all members have access to the same opportunities, and all patients have equal access to the same treatments.
- Data-driven excellence: every opportunity is a path to make meaningful change to the community of Abbotsford, with a keen eye on broader impact where possible.
- Quality care: safe, timely, equitable, efficient, patient and family-centered.
- Integrity: conducting ourselves in a way that is always ethical and honest.
- Physician health & wellness: taking care of our members so they can take care of the community.
- Patient-centered: all activities culminate with the preferences, needs, and values of patients in mind, ensuring patient well-being guides all clinical and administrative decisions.
Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity