Gender Affirming Care

Transgender Patient Pathway

The Transgender Patient Pathway project was initiated to address gaps and awareness of services and referral pathways for transgender care in Fraser East. Two pathways have been created in collaboration with Members, Specialists, allied health professionals, community organizations, and patients: a provider pathway and a patient and loved one’s roadmap. All of the providers surveyed said the provider pathway and patient roadmap support:

  • Awareness of transgender care resources and services,
  • Access to transgender care resources and services in the Fraser East, and
  • A clearer, more consistent approach for transgender care in the Fraser East.

Hundreds of copies of both documents have been distributed locally and across the province. A patient and loved one part of the project opened up the February 2019 Joint Collaborative Committee event, The Power of Togetherness, in Vancouver. Physicians from across the province attended this event.

The project hosted education events and supported the development of a community of practice. If Members would like education resources on Gender 101, Medical-Legal Aspects of Gender-Affirming Care, or Gender-Affirming Primary Care, please contact the Division at

Access the Patient and Loved ones roadmap here: Gender affirming roadmap.pdf

For the Provider roadmap contact the Abbotsford Division

Tips for Creating a Trans-Inclusive Clinic and Environment