Accordion for all: Ways, We Support You
We host this event in July annually. The purpose of this event is to offer a casual atmosphere for students interested in a career in medicine to connect with physicians practicing in Abbotsford. Bringing together medical students and physicians for an evening of networking and camaraderie. The event aimed to ease the stress of students who have left their home communities, especially those studying abroad or in different parts of Canada.
If you would like to attend the next Medical Student BBQ, please email Marz Hussain at
Electives vs. Observerships
- Electives During Medical School: Electives can be completed during Medical School. If you qualify for a visiting elective through UBC, you are eligible to complete an elective only in your 3rd or 4th year.
- Independent Clinical Experience Electives: If you do not qualify for a visiting elective through UBC and need to contact CPSBC for an independent clinical experience elective, you are eligible to complete this elective in your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of Medical School.
- Observerships: Observerships are available after graduating from Medical School and can be done in the period between graduation and the start of your Residency.
First Step: Student Contacts UBC Visiting Electives or Visits The The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Portal
- Students can email to start the application process.
- Students should visit the AFMC Student Portal to access the online application system and for current elective offerings.
- No action from The Division
If the Student is unable to be accommodated by UBC, then the process is:
First Step: Student Contacts UBC for Permission
- The applicant must email UBC for permission to do a non-UBC elective (independent clinical experience).
- UBC must determine that they are unable to accommodate the applicant in the UBC Visiting Student Elective Program.
- Once UBC confirms, they let the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC) know and the CPSBC is responsible to initiate next steps of the application.
- The Divisions Role:
- Reaching out to physicians who quality to be a supervisor for the independent clinical experiences for medical students. Eligibility can be found here
- Ensuring they confirm their responsibilities here, in writing.
- Facilitate the signing of the Supervisor Letter that the student will submit.
- Note: Supervising physicians must not be a relative of the medical student.
Second Step: Student Receives Application Package from the CPSBC
- CPSBC sends the student a detailed application package.
- Completed applications must be submitted to the CPSBC 6 weeks prior to the anticipated start date.
- Visiting medical students cannot start their independent clinical experience until their license has been issued.
- No action from The Division
First Step: The Division Assists the Graduate in Finding a Supervising Physician
- CPSBC must receive the signed Clinical Observership agreement (from the supervising physician) and the graduate’s CV together. The graduate emails (link) with these completed documents.
- The Divisions Role: Action Item
- Reaching out to physicians who quality to be a supervisor for the clinical observership class. Eligibility can be found here.
- Ensuring they confirm their responsibilities here, in writing.
- Facilitate the signing of the Clinical Observership Agreement.
Second Step: College Reviews Agreement & CV, then Emails Graduate an Application Package
- These applications must be completed and submitted 6 weeks prior to the anticipated start date.
- No action from The Division
Third Step: Application Processing
- No action from the Graduate
- No action from The Division
Fourth Step: Application Approval & License Issuance
- The license will be issued to the Graduate.
- A Medical School Graduate cannot start their Clinical Observership until the license has been issues.